Bibliography of Stephan Kuttner (1907-1996)

Otto Vervaart

Abbreviations used:

AHR American Historical Review
BMCL Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law
CHR Catholic Historical Review
DDC Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique
JEH Journal of Ecclesiastical History
RHDFE Revue d'Histoire de Droit Français et Étranger
RSDI Rivista di Storia del Diritto Italiano
SDHI Studia et Documenta Historiae Iuris
TRG Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
ZRG Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, G.A.: Germanistische Abteilung; K.A.: Kanonistische Abteilung

Earlier bibliographies:

a) Collectanea Stephan Kuttner I, edd. Giuseppe Forchielli and Alphons M. Stickler (4 vol., Bologna 1967; Studia Gratiana, 11-14) XIX-XXVI: 1931-1966.

b) "Lex et iustitia" nell'utrumque ius: Radici antiche e prospettive attuali. Atti del VII colloquio internazionale romanistico-canonistico (12-14 maggio 1988), edd. A. Ciani and G. Diurni (Roma 1989; Utrumque Ius, 20) XV-XXIII: 1931-1986.

Books and articles:


Die juristische Natur der falschen Beweisaussage: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Systematik der Eidesdelikte, zugleich zur Frage einer Beschränkung der Strafbarkeit auf erheblich falsche Aussagen (part of diss. Berlin 1929; Berlin 1931; Abhandlungen des kriminalistischen Instituts, 4. Reihe, I 4); VI, 76 pp.


`Eine Dekretsumme des Johannes Teutonicus (Cod. Vat. Pal. lat. 658)', ZRG K.A. 21 (1932) 141-189.


`Collectio Francofortana', ZRG K.A. 22 (1933) 370-380; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980), no. VII.


`Damasus als Glossator', ZRG K.A. 23 (1934) 380-390.

`Zur Frage der theologischen Vorlagen Gratians', ZRG K.A. 23 (1934) 243-268; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. III.


Kanonistische Schuldlehre von Gratian bis auf die Dekretalen Gregors IX. systematisch auf Grund der handschriftlichen Quellen dargestellt (Città del Vaticano 1935; Studi e Testi, 64) XXII, 429 pp. Several reprints.


`Ecclesia de occultis non iudicat. Problemata ex doctrina poenali decretistarum et decretalistarum a Gratiano usque ad Gregorium PP. IX.', in: Acta congressus iuridici internationalis, Romae 1934 III (Rome 1936) 225-246.

`Sur les origines du terme "droit positif"', RHDFE, 4ième série, 15 (1936) 728-740; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. III.

`Zur Biographie des Sicardus von Cremona', ZRG K.A. 25 (1936) 476-478.


`Decretalistica', ZRG K.A. 26 (1937) 436-470.

`Repertorium der Kanonistik (1140-1234). Prodromus Corporis Glossarum I (Città del Vaticano 1937; Studi e Testi, 71; reprinted 1973, 1981) XX, 536 pp.

`Wer war der Dekretalist Abbas Antiquus?', ZRG K.A. 26 (1937) 471-489; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XV.


`La réserve papale du droit de canonisation', RHDFE, 4ième série, 17 (1938) 172-228; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. VI.

`Les débuts de l'école canoniste française', SDHI 4 (1938) 139-204; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. VI.


`L'Édition romaine des Conciles généraux et les actes du premier concile de Lyon (Rome 1940; Miscellanea historiae pontificiae, III.5).

`Die Konstitutionen des ersten allgemeinen Konzils von Lyon', SDHI 6 (1940) 70-131; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. XI.

`Zur neuesten Glossatorenforschung', SDHI 6 (1940) 275-319, 424-425; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. I [except for pp. 424-425].


`The father of the science of canon law', The Jurist 1 (1941) 2-19.


`Bernardus Compostellanus Antiquus: A study in the glossators of the canon law', Traditio 1 (1943) 277-340; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. VII.

`A new vocabulary of the Code', The Jurist 3 (1943) 270-279.


`Index titulorum Authentici in novem collationes digesti', Seminar: An annual extraordinary number of The Jurist 2 (1944) 82-89; reprinted in Studi senesi 75 [3a seria, 12] (1963) 191-199, cf. 1994.

`Pierre de Roissy and Robert of Flamborough', Traditio 2 (1944) 492-499.


`Cardinalis: The history of a canonical concept', Traditio 3 (1945) 129-214; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. IX.

`[with Beryl Smalley] `The Glossa Ordinaria to the Decretals', English Historical Review 60 (1945) 97-105; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XIII.


`Johannes Teutonicus, das vierte Laterankonzil und die Compilatio quarta', in: Miscellanea Giovanni Mercati V, Storia ecclesiastica-Diritto (Città del Vaticano 1946; Studi e Testi, 125) 608-634; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. X.


`Liber canonicus: A note on Dictatus papae c. 17', Studi Gregoriani. Per la storia di Gregorio VII e della Riforma Gregoriana, ed. G.B. Borino (2 vol., Rome 1947) 387-401; reprinted in History of ideas (1980) no. II.


`De Gratiani opere noviter edendo', Apollinaris 21 (1948) 118-128.

`Notes on a projected corpus of twelfth-century decretal letters', Traditio 6 (1948) 345-351.

`Papal efforts towards protestant representation at Trent', Review of Politics 10 (1948) 427-436.


`[with Eleanor Rathbone] `Anglo-Norman canonists of the twelfth century: an introductory study', Traditio 7 (1949-1951) 279-358;  reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. VIII.

`Conciliar law in the making: The Lyonnese Constitutions of Gregory X in a manuscript at Washington', in: Miscellanea Pio Paschini II (Rome 1949; Lateranum 15) 39-81; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. XII.

`The scientific investigation of medieval canon law: The need and the opportunity', Speculum 24 (1949) 493-501; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. I.


`Natural law and canon law', University of Notre Dame Natural Law Institute Proceedings 3 (1949-1950) 85-116.

`Quelques observations sur l'autorité des collections canoniques dans le droit classique de l'Église', in: Actes du Congrès de droit canonique, Paris 22-26 avril 1947 (Paris 1950) 305-312; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. I.

`The Barcelona edition of St. Raymond's first treatise of canon law', Seminar 8 (1950) 52-67; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. X.


`Réflexions sur les brocards des glossateurs', in: Mélanges Joseph de Ghellinck II (2 vol., Gembloux 1951) 767-792; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. IX.


`Papst Honorius III. und das Studium des Zivilrechts', in: Festschrift für Martin Wolff: Beiträge zum Zivilrecht und internationalen Privatrecht, edd. E. von Caemmerer et alii (Tübingen 1952) 79-101; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. X.


`Graziano: L'uomo e l'opera', Studia Gratiana 1 (1953) 17-29; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. II.

`New studies on the roman law in Gratian's Decretum', Seminar 11 (1953) 12-50; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. IV.

`Some considerations on the role of secular law and institutions in the history of canon law', in: Scritti di sociologia e politica in onore di Luigi Sturzo II (Bologna 1953) 351-362; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. VI.

`The collection of Alanus. A concordance and its two recensions', RSDI 26 (1953) [1955] 37-53 [= Scritti in memoria di Sergio Mochi Onory (Roma 1953) ibidem].

`Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Summa de casibus des hl. Raymund von Penyafort', ZRG K.A. 39 (1953) 419-434; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XI.


`Additional notes on the roman law in Gratian's Decretum', Seminar 12 (1954) 68-74; reprinted in Gratian and the Schools (1983) no. V.


`An interim checklist of manuscripts', Traditio 11 (1955) 439-448.

`Methodological problems concerning the history of canon law', Speculum 30 (1955) 539-549.

`Note on the Roman meeting, on planning and method', Traditio 11 (1955) 431-438.


`An interim checklist of manuscripts (II)', Traditio 12 (1956) 560-566.

`Manuscripts and incunabula exhibited at the inauguration of the Institute in May 1956', Traditio 12 (1956) 611-615.

`On the place of canon law in a general history of roman law during the Middle Ages', Seminar 13 (1955-1956) 51-55.

`Preface', in: J.J. Ryan, Saint Peter Damiani and his canonical sources (Toronto 1956; Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Studies and Texts, 2) ix-xii.


`An interim checklist of manuscripts (III)', Traditio 13 (1957) 467-471.

`Bertram of Metz', Traditio 13 (1957) 501-505.

`Concerning the canons of the Third Lateran Council', Traditio 13 (1957) 505-506.

`Problemi metodologici nella storia del diritto canonico', Annali di Storia del Diritto 1 (1957) 137-152; Italian translation, see 1955.

`art. "Ricardus Anglicus", DDC VII (1957) col. 676-681.

`art. "Ricardus Petronius de Senis", DDC VII (1957) col. 681-684.

`Some unrecorded questions', Traditio 13 (1957) 507-508.


`The International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Louvain, July 22-26, 1958', The Jurist 18 (1958) 475-479.

`The third part of Stephen of Tournai's Summa', Traditio 14 (1958) 502-505.

`The role of the Church in cooperative historical scholarship (Yonkers, N.Y, 1958; Countess Mary Young Moore Lecture, 4 May 1957, Saint Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, N.Y.) 33 pp.

`Vers une nouvelle histoire du droit canon', RHDFE, 4e série, 36 (1958) 78-83; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. II.

`Verso un corpus di testi medievali di diritto canonico', Studia Gratiana 5 (1958) 106-110.


`Legal history: The case for a neglected field of studies', CHR 44 (1958-1959) 409-420.

`Note on the presentation of text and apparatus in editing works of the decretists and decretalists', Traditio 15 (1959) 452-469; addition ibidem, 26 (1970) 432.

`Notes on manuscripts', Traditio 15 (1959) 498-500.


`Harmony from dissonance: An interpretation of medieval canon law (Latrobe, Pa., 1960; Wimmer Lecture, X, 1956, University of Pennsylvania; ix, 64 pp.); reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. I. 

`art. "Rénier de Pompose ou Rainerius Pomposanus ou de Pomposa", DDC VII (1965) col. 583-584.

`art. "Rodoicus ou Rotbertus Modicipassus (Parvipassus)", DDC VII (1960) col. 701-702.

`[with Adam Vetulani] `Un fragment d'une collection systématique de décrétales antérieure à la "Compilatio Prima"', Traditio 16 (1960) 534-540; reprinted in: Adam Vetulani, Sur Gratien et les Décrétales, ed. W. Uruszczak (Aldershot 1990; Collected Studies, 308) nr. IX.


`Notes on manuscripts: Summae decretorum; Decretal collections; Vincentius Hispanus; Varia', Traditio 17 (1961) 533-542.

`Pope Lucius III and the bigamous archbishop of Palermo', in: Medieval studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn, S.J., edd. J.A. Watt, J.B. Morall and F.X. Martin (Dublin 1961) 409-454; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. VII.


`Analecta iuridica Vaticana (Vat. lat. 2343)', in: Collectanea Vaticana in honorem Anselmi M. Cardinalis Albareda I (2 vol., Città del Vaticano 1962; Studi e Testi, 219-220) 415-462.

`The Reform of the Church and the Council of Trent', The Jurist 22 (1962) 123-142; also in: The general council: Special studies in doctrinal and historical background, ed. William J. McDonald (Washington, D.C., 1962) 91-109; translated in German, see 1979.


`Brief notes: A new canonical collection; Summa ad iniungendam penitentiam', Traditio 19 (1963) 536-538.

`Introduction to Ioannis Andreae in quinque Decretalium libros Novella commentaria (Venice 1581; reprint Torino 1963; 5 vol. in 4) I, V-XIV, cf. 1964.

`Second International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Boston College, 12-16 August 1963', Traditio 19 (1963) 532-536.

`Some Gratian manuscripts with early glosses', Traditio 19 (1963) 532-536.

`An unusual papal exemption', The Jurist 23 (1963) 221-226.


`[with Antonio García y García] `A new eyewitness account of the Fourth Lateran Council', Traditio 20 (1964) 115-178; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. IX; also in: A. García y García, Iglesia, sociedad y derecho II (2 vol., Salamanca 1987) 62-121.

`Dat Galienus opes et sanctio Justiniana', in: Linguistic and literary studies presented in honor of Helmut A. Hatzfeld, ed. A.S. Crisafulli (Washington, D.C., 1964) 237-246 ; reprinted in The History of Ideas (1980) no. X.

`Johannes Andreae and his Novella on the Decretals', The Jurist 24 (1964) 393-408; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XVI.

`The date of the constitution "Saepe", the Vatican manuscript, and the Roman edition of the Clementines', in: Mélanges Eugène Tisserant IV, Archives Vaticanes. Histoire écclesiastique. 1ère partie (Città del Vaticano 1964; Studi e Testi, 234; reprint 1983) 427-452; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. XIII.


`The Apostillae of Johannes Andreae on the Clementines', in: Études d'histoire du droit canonique dédiées à Gabriel Le Bras I (2 vol., Paris 1965) 195-201; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XVII.


'Another copy of Willielmus Vasco's Apparatus on Gratian', Traditio 22 (1966) 476-478.

'De modis solvendi contraria', Traditio 22 (1966) 478-479.

'Glosses of Sylvester on the decretal "Pastoralis"', Traditio 22 (1966) 474-476.

`Some emendations to Friedberg's edition of the Decretals', Traditio 22 (1966) 480-482.

`Wo war Vincentius Hispanus Bischof?', Traditio 22 (1966) 471-474.


`Il Codice di diritto canonico nella storia', in: Commemorazione del cinquantesimo anniversario della promulgazione del Codex iuris canonici, celebrata alla augusta presenza del Santo padre Paolo VI il 27 maggio 1967 (Rome, s.d.) 17-39; also in: L'attività della Santa Sede in 1967 (Roma 1968) 1620-1634; reprinted with the erroneous title `Il diritto canonico nella storia', Jus n.s. 18 (1967) 239-254.


`Antonio Agustín and the Correctores', Traditio 24 (1968) 505.

`Bernardus Raymundi', Traditio 24 (1968) 505-506.

`El codigo de derecho canónico en la historia, traducción de Luis Portero (Salamanca 1968); also in REDC 24 (1968) 301-14; translation, see 1967.

`Letters of Innocent III', Traditio 24 (1968) 506-507.

`The code of canon law in historical perspective', The Jurist 28 (1968) 129-148; translation, see 1967.

`Urban II and Gratian', Traditio 24 (1968) 504-505.


`A collection of decretal letters of Innocent III in Bamberg', Mediaevalia et Humanistica n.s. 1 (1970) (In honor of S. Harrison Thomson) 41-56; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. VIII.

`[with Robert Somerville], `The So-called Canons of Nîmes (1096)', TRG 38 (1970) 175-189; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. III; also reprinted in: R. Somerville, Papacy, councils and canon law in the 11th-12th centuries (Aldershot 1990; Collected Studies, 312) no. IX.

`Urbano II, Placido da Nonantola e Graziano', Annali della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza [Genova] 9 (1970) 1-3; English version, see 1968.


`Observations on the relationship between church history and the Vinland Map', in: Proceedings of the Vinland Map Conference, ed. W.E. Washburn (Chicago 1971) 111-118.

`Cuestionario: Ley, doctrina y jurisprudencia', Ius Canonicum XI, no. 21 (1971) [special on ¿Un nuevo derecho canónico?] 101-107 [interview in English with an anonymous editor of this review].

`Some Roman manuscripts of canonical collections', BMCL 1 (1971) 7-29; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. II; a 

`Corrigendum' to this article in BMCL 2 (1972) 5.


`Urban II and the doctrine of interpretation: a turning point?', Studia Gratiana 15 (1972) (= Post Scripta: Essays on medieval law and the emergence of the Euopean state in honor of Gaines Post (Rome 1972)) 53-85; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. IV.


`The "Extravagantes" of the Decretum in Biberach', BMCL 3 (1973) 61-71; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. V.


`art. "Johannes Teutonicus, Glossator des kanonischen Rechts, 1. Hälfte 13. Jahrhundert", Neue Deutsche Biographie X (Berlin 1974) 571-573.


`A time for reflection', Speculum 50 (1975) 581-585; presidential address, Medieval Academy of America, 18 april 1975.

`Gospel and law in the Roman Catholic Church', in: Evangelium-Welt-Kirche: Schlussbericht und Referate der römisch-katholisch/evangelisch-lutherischen Studienkommission "Das Evangelium und die Kirche", 1967-1971, ed. H. Meyer (Frankfurt am Main 1975) 367-377.

`Introduction to the: "Quarta tavola rotonda: Persona e ordinamento nel diritto amministrativo della Chiesa", in: Persona e ordinamento nella Chiesa: Atti del II. Congresso internazionale di diritto canonico, Milano, 10-16 settembre 1973 (Milano 1975; Scienze giuridiche, 3) 351-353.

`The Decretal "Presbiterum" (JL 13912) - a Letter of Leo IX', BMCL 5 (1975) 133-135; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. VI.


`A forgotten definition of justice', in: Mélanges Gérard Fransen II, edd. A.M. Stickler and S. Kuttner (Roma 1976; Studia Gratiana 20) 75-109; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. V.

`Domino opitulanti tibi...', dedicatory letter in: Mélanges Gérard Fransen I, edd. A.M. Stickler and S. Kuttner (Roma 1976; Studia Gratiana 19) VII-IX.

`Gerland of Besançon and the manuscripts of his "Candela": A Bibliographical Note', in: Parádosis: Studies in memory of Edwin A. Quain (New York 1976) 71-84; reprinted in Medieval Councils (1980) no. IV.

`Gratian and Plato', in: Church and government in the Middle Ages: Essays presented to C.R. Cheney, edd. C.N.L. Brooke et alii (Cambridge, etc., 1976) 93-118; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. XI.

`Reflections on gospel and law in the history of the Church', in: Liber amicorum Monseigneur Onclin, edd. J. Lindemans and H. Demeester (Gembloux 1976; Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 42) 199-209; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. IX; cf. `Gospel and law in the Roman Catholic Church', see 1975.

`St. Jón of Hólar: Canon law and hagiography in medieval Iceland', Analecta Cracoviensia 7 (1976) [with Munera historica Adae Vetulani] 367-375; reprinted in History of Ideas (1980) no. VIII.


`Antonio Agustín's edition of the Compilationes Antiquae', BMCL 7 (1977) 1-14.

`Betrachtungen zur Systematik einer neuen Codex Iuris Canonici', in: Ex aequo et bono. Willibald M. Plöchl zum 70. Geburtstag, edd. P. Leisching et alii (Innsbruck 1977) 15-21.

`Index titulorum decretalium ex collectionibus tam privatis quam publicis conscriptis (Milan 1977; Ius Romanum Medii Aevi, Subsidia, 2); XVI, 280 pp.

`On the method of editing medieval authors', The Jurist 37 (1977) 385-386.

`Introduzione, Tavola rotonda: Storia delle istituzioni laiche ed ecclesiastiche', in: Fonti medioevali e problematica storiografica: Atti del congresso internazionale tenuto in occasione del 90 anniversario della fondazione dell'Istituto storico Italiano (1883-1973) II (2 vol., Rome 1976-1977) 7-31 [round-table with other participants].


Opening of the `Deliberaciones sobre las ponencias y comunicaciones de la primera mesa redonda', in: La norma en el Derecho canónico. Actas del III. Congreso Internacional de Derecho Canónico, Pamplona 10-15 de octobre de 1976 I (2 vol., Pamplona 1979) 215-218 [in English].

`Die Reform der Kirche und das Trienter Konzil', Concilium Tridentinum, ed. R. Bäumer (Darmstadt 1979; Wege der Forschung, 313) 385-407 [= `The Reform of the Church and the Council of Trent', The Jurist 22 (1962) 123-142].

`Presentation', in: C.R. Cheney and Mary G. Cheney (edd.) Studies in the collections of twelfth-century decretals, from the papers of the late Walther Holzmann (Città del Vaticano 1979; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series B, 3) V-VI.

`Response: Role of Law Award 1978', in: Proceedings of the Fourtieth Annual Canon Law Convention, Canon Law Society of America, St. Louis, Missouri, October 6-12, 1978 (s.l., 1979) 161-163.


`Anhang: Zur Dekretale "Licet preter solitum"', BMCL 11 (1981) 27-28.

`Notes on the Glossa Ordinaria of Bernard of Parma', BMCL 11 (1981) 86-93; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XIV.

`Universal pope or servant of God's servants: The canonists, papal titles, and Innocent III', Revue de Droit Canonique 32 (1981) 109-150; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. VIII.

`Discorso di accettazione', in: Studiosi stranieri della civiltà italiana. Testimonianze e discorsi del Premio Internazionale Galileo Galilei dei Rotary Italiani (Pisa 1981) 52-55, English translation in: Italian civilization and non-italian scholars. Speeches of the winners of the International Galileo Galilei Prize (...) (Pisa 1987) 52-55. Kuttner got this award for "Storia del Diritto Italiano" in 1969.


`On "auctoritas" in the writing of medieval canonists: the vocabular of Gratian', in: La notion d'autorité au Moyen Age: Islam, Byzance, Occident (Paris 1982) 69-80; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. VII.

`Raymond of Peñafort as editor: the "decretales" and "constitutiones" of Gregory IX', BMCL 12 (1982) 65-80; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XII; also in Diritto, persona e vita sociale: Scritti in memoria di Orio Giacchi I (2 vol., Milan 1984; Scienze giuridiche, 6) 94-108.

`Reliquie di sant'Andrea: Un testo poco conosciuto', Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia 36 (1982) 105-110.

`The revival of Jurisprudence', in: Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century, edd. R.L. Benson and G. Constable (Cambridge, Mass., 1982) 299-323; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. III.


`Die mittelalterliche Kanonistik in der Forschung der letzten hundert Jahre', ZRG K.A. 69 (1983) 1-14; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. IV.

`New "decretales ineditae" of Alexander III', BMCL 13 (1983) 58-60.


`A tribute to Walter Ullmann', JEH 35 (1984) 105-112.


`Anmerkungen zu einem exemplarischen Sprachverschüttungsprozeß', Rechtshistorisches Journal 4 (1985) 281. On ibidem, 3 (1984) 252-.

`Zum Inventar des "Fondo Concili" im Archiv der ehemaligen Konzilskongregation (S. Congregatio pro Clericis)', Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 17 (1985) 473-474.


`[with Reinhard Elze] A catalogue of canon and roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library I, Codices Vaticani Latini 541-2229 (Città del Vaticano 1986; Studi e Testi, 322).

`Francesco Zabarella's commentary on the Decretals: A note on the editions and the Vatican manuscripts', BMCL 16 (1986) 97-101; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. XVIII.

`art. "Gratien, canoniste du XIIe siècle", Dictionnaire d'Histoire et Géographie Ecclésiastiques 21 [fasc. 124] (1986) col. 1235-1239.


`Canonisti nel Mezzogiorno: Alcuni profili e riflessioni', in: Scuole diritto e società nel Mezzogiorno medievale d'Italia II, ed. M. Bellomo (2 vol., Catania 1987; Studi e ricerche dei "Quaderni Catanesi", 8) 10-23.

`[with Reinhard Elze] A catalogue of canon and roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library II, Codices Vaticani Latini 2300-2746 (Città del Vaticano 1987; Studi e Testi, 328).

`[with Wilfried Hartmann] `A new version of Pope John VIII's decree on sacrilege (Council of Troyes, 878)', BMCL 17 (1987) 1-32.

`The council of Carthage 535: A supplementary note', ZRG K.A. 73 (1987) 346-351.

`Zum Konzil von Konstanz. Brief an den Herausgeber', Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 19 (1987) 428-429.


`Johannes Andreae on the style of dating papal documents', The Jurist 48 (1988) 408-453.

`Manuscripts of canon law in Hungary: An index to Peter Erdö's article in Apollinaris', BMCL 18 (1988) 64-68.

`Research on Gratian: Acta and agenda', in: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Cambridge 1984, ed. P. Linehan (Città del Vaticano 1988; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C, 8) 3-26; reprinted in Studies in the History (1990) no. V.


`Grußwort', in: Ius et historia. festgabe für Rudolf Weigand zu seinem 60. Geburtstag von seinen Schülern, Mitarbeitern und Freunden, ed. Norbert Höhl (Würzburg 1989; Forschungen zur Kirchenrechtswissenschaft, 6) 19. In Latin.

`Introduction', in: Popes, teachers and canon law in the Middle Ages, edd. J.R. Sweeney and S. Chodorow (Ithaca-London 1989) VII-IX.

`Introduction', in: Federico R. Aznar Gil, La institución matrimonial en la Hispania cristiana bajo-medieval (1215-1563) (Salamanca 1989) IX.

`Laudatio auf Horst Fuhrmann', Orden Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste: Reden und Gedenkworte 27 (1987-1989) 71-73. Speech in Berlin, June 2, 1987.

`Pope John VIII and the Visigothic law', Anuario de derecho eclesiástico del Estado 5 (1989) 291-295.

`Tra giurisprudenza, filosofia e diritto: la giustizia e i canonisti del medioevo', in: "Lex et iustitia" nell'utrumque ius: radici antiche e prospetti attuali. Atti del VII Colloquio internazionale romanistico-canonistico (12-14 maggio 1988)..., edd. A. Ciani and C. Diurni (Roma 1989; Utrumque Ius, 20) 83-93.


`An implied reference to the Digest in Pope Agatho's Roman synod of 679', ZRG K.A. 76 (1990) 383-384.

`Did Rolandus of Bologna write a "Stroma ex Decretorum corpore captum"?', BMCL 20 (1990) 69-70.


`Prólogo', in: Javier Martínez-Torrón, Derecho angloamericano y derecho canónico : Las raices canónicas de la "common law" (Madrid 1991) 13-15; not reprinted in the English translation: Anglo-American law and canon law. Canonical roots of the Common Law tradition (Berlin 1998; Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, 18).


`Auctor noster beatus Petrus Apostolus: Pope Agatho on the papal office', in: Studia in honorem Eminentissimi Cardinalis Alphonsi M. Stickler, ed. R.I. Castillo Lara (Roma 1992; Studia et textus historiae iuris canonici, 7) 215-223.

`Marbod of Rennes on the "Ordo iudiciorum". With a new edition of Ivo of Chartres, Panormia, 4.113, 114', Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, I.3 (Göttingen 1992) 25-28; reprinted in: Miscellanea Domenico Maffei dicata: Historia-Ius-Studium I, edd. A. García y García and P. Weimar (4 vol., Goldbach 1995) 29-32.


`On the medieval tradition of Justinians Novellae: An Index Titulorum Authentici in Novem Collationes digesti', ZRG K.A. 80 (1994) 88-98; also in the Revista Española de Derecho Canónico 47 (1990) 23-33, and in: Estudios jurídicos-canónicos. Commemorativos del Primer Cincuentenario de la Facultad de Derecho Canónico en Salamanca (1948-1989), ed. A. García y García (Salamanca 1991) 34-45.

`The unfinished reform of the Second Vatican Council', The Jurist 54 (1994) 216-227.


[with Robert Somerville] Pope Urban II, the Collectio Britannica, and the Council of Melfi (1089) (Oxford 1996); XXI, 318 pp.


G. Dahm, Das Stafrecht Italiens im ausgehenden Mittelalter: Untersuchungen über die Beziehungen zwischen Theorie und Praxis im Strafrecht des Spätmittelalters, namentlich im 14. Jahrhundert (Berlin-Leipzig 1931): ZRG G.A. 52 (1932) 549-561.

U. Stock, Entwicklung und Wesen der Amtsverbrechen (Leipzig 1932): ZRG G.A. 53 (1933) 431-434.

M. Müller, Ethik und Recht in der Lehre von der Verantwortlichkeit. Eine Längschnitt durch die Geschichte der katholischen Moraltheologie (Regensburg 1932): ZRG K.A. 22 (1933) 455-438.

J. Destrez, La pecia dans les manuscrits universitaires du XIIIe et XIVe siècle (Paris 1935): ZRG K.A. 25 (1936) 525-530; La bibliofilia 39 (1937) 210-212.

E.M. Meijers (ed.), Responsa Doctorum Tholosanorum (Haarlem 1938): SDHI 6 (1940) 425-431.

Jordani de Saxonia ordinis eremitarum S. Augustini Liber Vitasfratrum, edd. R. Arbesmann and W. Hümpfner (New York 1943): Seminar 2 (1944) 90-99.

R. Taubenschlag, The law of Greco-Roman Egypt in the light of the papyri 332 B.C.-640 A.D. (New York 1944): CHR 30 (1944) 322-323.

The Institutes of Gaius I, Text with critical notes and translation, ed. F. de Zulueta (Oxford 1946): Seminar 5 (1947) 91.

Studi Gregoriani. Per la storia di Gregorio VII e della Riforma Gregoriana, ed. G.B. Borino (2 vol., Rome 1947): Traditio 6 (1948) 394-396.

H. Jedin, Papal legate at the Council of Trent: Cardinal Seripando (St. Louis-London 1947): CHR 35 (1949) 54-57.

H. Jedin, Geschichte des Konzils von Trient I, Der Kampf um das Konzil (Freiburg 1949): CHR 38 (1952) 39-42.

A. Wynen, Ludwig Kaas. Aus seinem Leben und Wirken (Trier 1953): CHR 41 (1955) 240-241.

H.E. Feine, Kirchliche Rechtsgeschichte I, Die katholische Kirche (2nd ed., Weimar 1954): TRG 23 (1955) 365-370.

H. Lange, Schadenersatz und Privatstrafe in der mittelalterlichen Rechtstheorie (Münster-Köln 1955): Seminar 13 (1955-1956) 66-69.

Sacerdozio e Regno da Gregorio VII a Bonifacio VIII (Roma 1954; Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae, 18): JEH 7 (1956) 251-254.

S. Stelling-Michaud, L'université de Bologne et la pénétration des droits romain et canonique en Suisse aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles (Genève 1955): Renaissance News 9 (1956) 154-158.

S. Riccobono, Stipulation and the theory of contract, translated by J. Kerr Wylie, revised by B. Beinart (Amsterdam-Cape Town 1957): The Jurist 18 (1958) 368-370.

H.F. Jolowicz, Roman foundations of modern law (Oxford 1957): The Jurist 18 (1958) 365-367.

In memoriam Herbert Felix Jolowicz, edd. T.W. Price and B. Beinart (Durban 1956): The Jurist 18 (1958) 472.

W. Plöchl, Geschichte des Kirchenrechts, III: Das katholische Kirchenrecht der Neuzeit. Erster Teil (München-Wien 1959): The Jurist 18 (1958) 472.

H. Hess, The canons of the council of Sardica (Oxford 1958): AHR 64 (1959) 918-920.

D.M. Knowles, The evolution of medieval thought (London, etc., 1962): AHR 69 (1964) 420-422.

D. Maffei, La Lectura super Digesto Veteri di Cino da Pistoia: Studio sui mss. Savigny 22 e Urb. lat. 172 (Milan 1963): Speculum 40 (1965) 356-358; AHR 70 (1965) 516.

Études d'histoire du droit canonique dediées à Gabriel Le Bras (2 vol., Paris 1965): AHR 73 (1968) 1098-1099.

H. Jedin, Geschichte des Konzils von Trient III, Bologneser Tagung (1547/48), Zweite Trienter Tagungsperiode (1551/52) (Freiburg-Basel-Wien 1970): AHR 78 (1973) 91-92.

A.A. Schiller, An American experience in Roman law: writings from publications in the United States (Göttingen 1971): California Law Review 61 (1973) 255-257.

O. Pontal, Les status synodaux français du XIIIe siècle, I: Les statuts de Paris et le synodal de l'Ouest (Paris 1971): AHR 79 (1974) 497-498.

H. Kalb, Studien zur Summa Stephans von Tournai: Ein Beitrag zur kanonistischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte des späten 12. Jahrhunderts (Innsbruck 1983): Österreichisches Archiv für Kirchenrecht 36 (1986) 185-189.

`The Church in the world: Review essay', CHR 73 (1987) 576-584. On Aus Kirche und Reich: Studien zu Theologie, Politik und Recht im Mittelalter. Festschrift für Friedrich Kempf zu seinem fünfundsiebzigsten Geburtstag und fünfzigjährigem Doktorjubiläum, ed. H. Mordek (Sigmaringen 1983). N.B. With "Appendix" on Friedrich Kempf, Regestum Innocentii III papae super negotio Romani imperii (Rome 1947).

A. Vetulani, Sur Gratien et les Décrétales, ed. W. Uruszczak (Aldershot, 1990; Collected Studies, 308): CHR 77 (1991) 294-295.

Selected essays:

History of Ideas and Doctrines of Canon Law in the Middle Ages (London 1980; 2nd ed. 1993; Collected Studies, 113). 11 papers, 1936-1976, with "Retractationes".

Medieval Councils, Decretals, and Collections of Canon Law (London 1980; Collected Studies, 126). 13 papers, 1933-1976, with "Retractationes".

Gratian and the Schools of Law, 1140-1234 (London 1983; 2nd ed. 1994; Collected Studies, 185). 10 papers, 1934-1952, with "Retractationes".

Studies in the History of Medieval Canon Law (Aldershot-Brookfield, Vt., 1990; Collected Studies, 325). 18 articles, 1937-1988, with "Retractationes".


[with J.D. Hannan] Decreta septem priorum sessionum Concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III Pont. Max. ex autographo Angeli Massarelli (codice Morganiano ms. A.225A Neo-Eboracensi) hic phototypice recuso (Vashingtoniae 1945); xliii, 103. With "Addenda", Seminar 6 (1948) 72-76.

[with G. Fransen] Summa "Elegantius in iure diuino" seu Coloniensis, I: New York 1976, II: Città del Vaticano 1978, III: ibidem, 1986, IV: ibidem, 1990. Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series A, I, 1-4.


[with J. Joseph Ryan] Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Boston College, 12-16 August 1963 (Città del Vaticano 1965; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C, 1).

Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Strasbourg, 3-6 September 1968 (Città del Vaticano 1971; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C, 4).

Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Toronto 21-25 August 1972 (Città del Vaticano 1976; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C, 5).

[with Kenneth Pennington] Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Salamanca, 21-25 September 1976 (Città del Vaticano 1979; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C, 6).

[with Kenneth Pennington] Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Berkeley, California, 28 July-2 August 1980 (Città del Vaticano 1985; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C, 7).


`Ulrich Stutz', SDHI 5 (1939) 303-308.

`In memoriam: Herbert Felix Jolowicz (1890-1954)', Seminar 12 (1954) 1-5.

`Salvatore Riccobono', American Journal of Comparative Law 7 (1958) 661-662.

[with Gaines Post and Samuel E. Thorne] `Gabriel Le Bras', Speculum 46 (1971) 571-572.

[with Gray C. Boyce, Robert J. Brentano and Ihor Sevcenko] `Paul J. Alexander', Speculum 53 (1978) 654-656.

`François-Louis Ganshof, 14.3.1895-26.7.1980', Orden Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste: Reden und Gedenkworte 17 (1981) 19-25; also in: Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981, 1-7; cf. 'François-Louis Ganshof', Das Parlament 29-30 (1981) 13.

`Karl Rahner, 5.3.1904-30.3.1984', Orden Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste: Reden und Gedenkworte 21 (1985-1986) 17-21.

[with Leonard Boyle O.P. and Brian Tierney] 'Christopher Robert Cheney', Speculum 63 (1988) 758-760.

`In memoriam Schafer Williams', in: In iure veritas. Studies in canon law in memory of Schafer Williams, edd. Steven B. Bowman and Blache E. Cody (Cincinnati 1991) IX-XI.

Editing of Festschriften:

[with Alphons M. Stickler] Mélanges Gérard Fransen (2 vol., Rome, 1976; Studia Gratiana, 19-20).

Festschriften for Kuttner:

Collectanea Stephan Kuttner, edd. Giuseppe Forchielli and Alphons M. Stickler (4 vol., Bologna 1967; Studia Gratiana, 11-14).

Church, law and society. Essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner, edd. Kenneth Pennington and Robert Somerville (Philadelphia 1977).

Festgabe zum 75. Geburtstag von Stephan Kuttner (Köln-Weimar-Wien 1982) [ZRG K.A. 68 (1982)].

The two laws. Studies in medieval legal history dedicated to Stephan Kuttner, edd. Laurent Mayali and Stephanie A.J. Tibbets (Washington, D.C., 1990).

Necrologies on Stephan Kuttner:

Manlio Bellomo, `Stephan Kuttner: l'uomo, lo studioso', RIDC 7 (1996) 9-11.

Robert Brentano, Robert Somerville, Brian Tierney, Thomas N. Bisson, `Stephan Kuttner', Speculum 72 (1997) 929-931.

Horst Fuhrmann, `Nachruf: Stephan Kuttner', Deutsches Archiv zur Erforschung des Mittelalters 53 (1997) 411-413.

Antonio García y García, `In Memoriam: Stephan Kuttner', Revista Español del Derecho Canónico 53 (1996) 956-957.

Jean Gaudemet, `Un grand historien: Stephan Kuttner (24 mai 1907-12 août 1996)', RHDFE 75 (1997) 1-6.

Herbert Kalb, `Stephan Kuttner´, Österreichisches Archiv für Kirchenrecht 45 (1998), 9-13

Peter Landau, `Nachruf auf Stephan Kuttner', Archiv für Katholisches Kirchenrecht 165/2 (1996) 457-468.

idem, `Stephan Kuttners wissenschaftliches Werk', RIDC 7 (1996) 13-20.

idem, `Stephan Kuttner †', Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 50 (1997) 306.

idem, 'Nachruf Stephan Kuttner', Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrbuch 1996 (München 1997) 246-247.

Domenico Maffei, `In memoriam. Ricordo di Stephan Kuttner (1907-1996)', ZRG KA 115 (1998) 684-686.

Wolfgang Saxon, `Stephan Kuttner, 89, a scholar who traced the origin of law', The New York Times, August 16, 1996.

Robert Somerville, `Obituary', CHR 83 (1997) 182-184.

The obituary speeches of the 10th International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Syracuse 1996 are to be published within the  Proceedings.

There is a Stephan-Kuttner-Memorial-Lecture  within every International Congresses of Medieval Canon Law

A Stephan-Kuttner Memorial Session is regulary hold at the meetings of the Medieval Acadamie of America at Kalamazoo